The Governance


When the Governance completed its disintegration process, its mind got scattered across the city and was somehow added to the consciousness of its inhabitants.
They became agents.

The agenthood is a paradoxical state. It means being part of something that one does not see, and that, in many cases, does not know about.
The agents carry on the work of the Governance, often without knowing that it even exists. They are de-facto part of the it, altought it is also possible to take on this role as a conscious, individual decision. A foreigner, or a baby born after the scattering of The Governance's mind, can therefore still become an agent in contact and in conversation with other parts of this network.

The agents are linked among a complex and vast network, which is the form that was aimed at by the Governance when it decided to evolve from a monolithic entity into "something" else.
We would like to introduce the term "Polylith" to further name this "something", in an attempt to refine our understanding of such oraganizational systems.
We define it as follow: A scatterd decentralized entity able to perceive the space in wich it evolves. Inhabiting this space, transforming it, and, utlimately, being this space itself : The essence of the space in which the polylith evolves.

One characteristic of a polylith is that its constituents don't have access to the network as a whole. The totality of the network only exists as a collective expression and non of the individual can have a full grasp on it. "The whole", from the point of vue of an individual part of such network, exists only as an incomplete projection. As an illusion.
Grasping a definite picture of a polylith is, by essence, impossible: The amount of agents in the city, or the level of agenthood of a given agent are not data that we can collect or even estimate. Therefore, our researches are not aimed at generating quantitative data on the Governance or on its various agents, this would be a scientifically wrong direction. We rather focus on collecting and making available stories, documents and experiences that could possibly help agents or observers to have a deeper understanding of The Governance's work under its newest polylithical form.